Welcome to ReCourse.life!
You were likely referred by a counselor. We understand this process can feel overwhelming, we’re here to help you every step of the way.
Welcome to ReCourse.life!
You were likely referred by a counselor. We understand this process can feel overwhelming, we’re here to help you every step of the way.
Getting Started
is Easy.
Select Course
Find the course assigned to you by your counselor.
Enroll to Register
Click the hours assigned to enroll. Registration is completed during enrollment.
Start Course
Click the "CLICK" button to begin. Click the "RESUME" button to pick up where you left off.
DOT Specific Courses
For safety sensitive employees includes DOT employee handbook
DOT Safety Sensitive Employee Training
Supervisor – Reasonable Suspicion
NON-DOT Courses
Substance Misuse and Abuse Awareness