Exclusive Webinar with Lee Mauk
Founder of the SAPLIST
April 11th, 2025
Are you a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) or an Employee Assistance Professional (EAP) looking to deepen your understanding of the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Drug and Alcohol Testing Rules and Regulations? Look no further!
We are thrilled to host Lee Mauk, a leading expert in workplace drug and alcohol testing, and the founder of SAPlist.com. Lee brings decades of experience consulting with employers and EAPs nationwide, and during this webinar, he’ll be answering YOUR questions!
Lee Mauk
President – RLM Consulting, LLC
Founder/Administrator – SAPLIST.com
Private Consultant – Drug and Alcohol Testing
LEE MAUK is a private consultant in drug and alcohol testing in the workplace, specializing in the Department of Transportation’s Drug and Alcohol Testing Rules and Regulations.
Lee is president and owner of RLM Consulting, LLC, developing personnel policies related to drug and alcohol use in the workplace, and consulting to employers and EAPs regarding drug and alcohol testing programs and procedures.
In 2003 he developed SAPlist.com, a searchable database that assists employers and EAPs in locating Substance Abuse Professionals, nationwide. He is the administrator of that website.
He received training in the Department of Transportation’s rules and regulations in June 1994, under Donna Smith, Acting Director of Enforcement, DOT.
Lee designed and implemented an Employee Assistance Program for MCC Behavioral Care in 1977, and served as its director for 15 years, eventually providing EAP services to 200 metropolitan Twin Cities employers and their workforces.
From 1989 to 1992 he managed MCC Behavioral Care’s EAP with Northwest Airlines. In that capacity he provided all FAA-mandated drug and alcohol training for managers and supervisors of Northwest Airlines.
From 1988 to 1991 Lee served as president of the Minnesota Chapter of Employee Assistance Professionals Association.
In 1998, at EAPA’s international conference in Las Vegas, Lee received EAPA’s Recognition Award for vision, integrity and commitment to the employee assistance profession, and to the international organization, EAPA.
Lee holds an M.Ed. in counseling and administration from New York University, and an undergraduate major in sociology from Carleton College, Northfield, MN.