ReCourse Life

Category: Cannabis

Pure Food and Drug Act requires Labeling of Medicine, including Cannabis

In 1906, President Roosevelt signed the Food and Drug Act (The Wiley Act).  This regulated products to be labeled. The goal was that it would prevent the sale of misbranded, poisonous, or adulterated foods, drugs, medicine or liquor. (Part I: The 1906 Food and Drugs Act and Its Enforcement, 2019)

Jamestown Settlers Bring Marijuna to North America

In 1611, Jamestown settlers brought hemp to North America.  Hemp fiber was an important export throughout the colonial period.   In 1762, ‘Virginia awarded bounties for hemp culture and manufacture and imposed penalties on those that did not produce it.”  (Segal, 1986)

Hemp Use in Middle Ages

William Turner, a 16th century naturalist, also considered the first English botanist, discusses uses of Hemp in his book New Herball, published in 1538. (Booth, 2005, #)

Cannabis Used as Medicine in Arabic World by Some Labeled “Lethal Poison” by Others

Cannabis was used medicinally across the Arabic world in Roman times, applied to a wide variety of ailments (from migraines to syphilis) and as an analgesic and anesthetic. The Islamic physician Rhazès prescribed it widely but  Arab physician Ibn Wahshiyah, warned of the potential effects of hashish which he wrote was a lethal poison. (Booth, …

Cannabis Used as Medicine in Arabic World by Some Labeled “Lethal Poison” by Others Read More »